MCS starts batch 6 of Certificate 1 in Starting Agriculture with 21 inmates

Maldives Correctional Service (MCS) has commenced a the sixth batch of Certificate 1 in Starting Agriculture at Maafushi Prison.

The course is part of MCS’ efforts to reform and provide educational opportunities for inmates. The course commenced on 19th July 2020.

The sixth batch of the five-week course consists of 20 participants.

The purpose of the course is the build agricultural skills among inmates, while providing means for earning a living by teaching a useful skill for the community by the time of their release.

The course includes teaching what agriculture is about such as how to grow plants, what are the plant diseases and how to cultivate and prepare soil for planting.

The Certificate 1 in Starting Agriculture course is accredited by Maldives Qualification Authority and is conducted by Institute for Correctional Studies (ICOST). The course will be taught by facilitators from ICOST.