Agriculture through Rehabilitation Programmes

Commissioner of Prisons Ahmed Shihan and Deputy Commissioner of Prisons Hassan Zilaal has yesterday visited the agricultural farming area of Maafushi Prison. The agricultural projects are carried out under the Rehabilitation programmes.

IMG_5520.3-768x512 In addition to viewing the farming projects, CP Shihan and DCP Zilaal had also inquired about the projects through the inmates who worked there.  The inmates were happy to share their experiences about agricultural farming through equipment and material manufactured by themselves. 

MCS carries out several projects as part of their efforts to rehabilitate inmates such as providing education and vocational training to teach various skills.  


Though numerous courses continued to be carried out, MCS inaugurated “Rehabilitation Framework” in 2016 and started following it. There are four main phases in the framework, “discipline”, “psychology programmes”, “educational and vocational” and “prison community service”. There are set targets to be achieved at all phases. Agriculture is included in Phase 4 of the Framework.