Football tournament held between Maintenance officers at Maafushi Prison

Maldives Correctional Service has held a football tournament between the Offender and Maintenance officers at the Maafushi Prison yesterday.

The one-day tournament was held to improve the mental and physical health of the officers as well as to maintain a healthy sports spirit and a competitive and friendly atmosphere. A total of six teams from the sections of Maintenance and Offender Section competed in the tournament and was played out at the Maafushi Prison’s football field.

The tournament was inaugurated by the Acting Director of the Maafushi Prison, Assistant Superintendent of Prisons Salman Rasheed. ASP Salman encouraged all players to support and work towards the objective of the tournament. He further urged all to maintain the sports spirit and to avoid violence in the name of playing; and at the end of the day to leave the field with respect from all involved.

The champion of the tournament was “Gasvattaa” team, who showed impressive skill during the tournament.