Maldives Correctional Service begins Budget Review Forum

Maldives Correctional Service has today begun the Budget Review Forum 2016 at Maafushi Prison Lecture Hall.

Speaking at the inauguration ceremony, Commissioner of Prisons Mohamed Husham said that the Forum was being held to organise MCS’s annual budget among prisons and to arrange projects in the order of priority.

The Commissioner stated that instead of a single plan for a project, it was wise to come up with contingency plans, i.e; plans A, B and C. He advised to include junior-level officers and staff in the planning stage of a project in order to ensure a successful implementation.

He also stated that the reason for holding a Budget Review Forum instead of a Budget Awareness Seminar such as last year was due to the fact that the 2016 budget was delivered with the collaboration of all prisons and Head Office.

In addition to Commissioner of Prisons, the Forum is joined by Deputy Commissioner of Prisons Hassan Zilaal, directors of prisons, Commissioned Officers, section heads of Head Office and budget-related officers and staff.